Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Need to bring this up

ל"ב:ז אֲשֶׁר הֶעֱלֵיתָ מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם
ל"ג:א אַתָּה וְהָעָם אֲשֶׁר הֶעֱלִיתָ מֵאֶרֶץ מִצְרָיִם 

There was a בר מצוה laining and he said הֶעֱלֵיתָ with a צרי the second time and I corrected it as a knee-jerk reaction. However, looking at the two words, I can't tell that there is any actual difference between the two. The תרגום is essentially the same. So, as I always do in these situations, I ask: If there is a difference, what is it? And if there is no difference, why are they different?


Menachem Mendel said...

Someone asked me this question yesterday and I had no answer for him.

simyou said...

Chizkuni makes note of this but does not explain.

I'm not sure about the dikduk rules, but the two uses are different. 32:7 is referring to the people who sinned, specifically the Erev Rav. 33:1 is referring to the entire nation. I think הֶעֱלִיתָ connotates a direct, positive leadership - "the people you brought out", while הֶעֱלֵיתָ is more incidental - "the people who you helped come up from Egypt".Either way, it should not be necessary to correct on this since it is not a completely different meaning.

ELIE said...

אין הבדל בין שתי הצורות

גם אם העניין אינו בדיוק אותו דבר לא זה מה שגרם לשינוי

יש גם צוֵּיתי לעומת צוִּיתי